About Rooted Instruction

Rooted Instruction's Vision

Every Christian parent and teacher wants to do more than transfer knowledge to the precious souls that have been entrusted to them. We want to give our children a foundation upon which they can confidently build their lives.

Rooted Instruction was born out of a desire to provide Christian Homeschoolers with excellent, educational resources that seeks to shape the student's affections in way that accords with the nature of God, as revealed in the Bible. If to love the Lord our God is at the heart of what it means to be a Christian - to be truly human, then an academic education should intentionally seek to shape the heart as well as the mind. (Deut 6)

We produce educational resources in the form of:

  • Books for all ages,

  • Middle school and High school courses that are built upon the following commitments

  • A whole hearted confidence in the sufficiency of Scripture

  • Academically excellent

  • A foundational knowledge of who God is and what He is like

  • A foundational knowledge what it means to be human.

If you or someone you know, would be interested in supporting or participating in Rooted Instruction's vision, please connect with me at rootedinstruction@gmail.com

About Me

My name is Elijah Robertson. I have a degree in elementary education and Biblical studies from Moody Bible Institute. I have taught everything from 3rd grade to post-high school Bible programs; I have also created academic curriculum and assisted in school accreditation.

I am one of the pastoring elders at our church and take seriously what it means to live Biblically in the church, in culture, and in this generation.

I am a husband, father of three, and, according to my wife, an ice cream snob. When it comes to card games that involve speed, I've lost before the game even begins. In this season, my favorite pastime is reading chapter books to my children; biographies, theology, and biking. :)

Whether a parent or teacher, our resources are constructed to equip you, your church, your home school group to instill a foundation of Christian truth shapes the affections of your student in a way that accords with the nature of God, no matter the culture they live in.

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If you or someone you know, would be interested in supporting or participating in Rooted Instruction's vision, please connect with me at rootedinstruction@gmail.com